How to Manage your Semantic Core

Cruxdata let's you store, edit and share your semantic core.

A "semantic core" is the relationship between the main keyword, the keyword cluster, and the structure of the webpage for each targeted URL, done so in order to optimize your webpage for search engine results. For each URL, the on-page content, and HTML metadata is optimized using the keyword cluster.

A keyword analysis is a prerequisite for developing and deploying a semantic core, or updating an existing semantic core.  A keyword analysis can be quite extensive - utilizing a keyword specialist is highly recommended.

Step 1:

Once you've conducted a keyword analysis, create an account or login to Cruxdata. Next, navigate to your Insights Dashboard.

Step 2:

From the menu, select "SEO", then select "Semantic Core" from the submenu.

Step 3:

Here, you can create, view, and edit your semantic core.

Step 4:

To create a new semantic core, first enter the URL of the webpage that the semantic core is for. Following the URL, enter the Main Keyword and Keyword Cluster.

Step 5:

Next, enter your existing metadata, including your Page Title, Page Description, H1, and H2. Reminder - to determine what your Metadata is, you'll need to conduct a keyword analysis. Once you have updated your information, click "Update"

Step 6:

When working with a SEO specialist, they will place your updated semantic core in the "Proposed Updates" Section .To approve these changes, select the "Client approved" radial button, and click save. Once you have approved the semantic core proposal, your SEO specialist will implement the changes on your website for you..

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