How To

Using AI To Get Started with Google Ads

For many small businesses, diving into the realm of Google Ads can be both daunting and perplexing. We break it down, making it easy to launch your first campaign.

The Apprehension of Many Small Businesses with Google Ads:

For many small businesses, diving into the realm of Google Ads can be both daunting and perplexing. With its myriad of options, unfamiliar terminology, and the potential to quickly deplete budgets, it's easy to understand the trepidation. The sheer cost of certain high-demand keywords, with cost-per-click reaching into the tens of dollars, Google Ads can swiftly burn through funds, yielding only a handful of additional site visitors. To further complicate matters, the market is flooded with agencies and freelancers promising stellar results, making the choice of whom to trust even more challenging.

For small businesses looking to wade through these waters, the mantra should be to keep it simple. Start with the basics, and if you opt for external assistance, demand regular, transparent reports that meticulously document key metrics and every adjustment made. Any agency unwilling to provide this level of clarity might be the best partner for you. If the results do not pan out, you are still at square one. In such cases, it's advisable to seek out a partner who not only understands the value of transparency but eagerly wants to share their insights with you and is committed to your success.

The Quick Answer- Start Simple:  

Start with a narrow fundamental approach, develop a solid foundation of metrics, and gradually familiarize yourself with the platform's nuances.

1. Choose a Single Keyword:
Your first foray into Google Ads should revolve around a keyword central to your business or offering. This could be a product you sell, a service you offer, or a term directly related to your industry. By focusing on one keyword, you can concentrate your efforts and resources, making the initial process less daunting.

2. Opt for Manual Bidding:
While Google Ads offers automated bidding strategies powered by AI, starting with manual bidding gives you more control. This way, you can decide precisely how much you're willing to spend per click, allowing you to manage your budget effectively.

3. Use Narrow Match Types:
When you're just starting, it's a good idea to use "exact match" for your keyword. This ensures your ad only shows when someone searches for your specific keyword phrase, minimizing irrelevant clicks and conserving your budget.

4. Harness AI for Ad Copy Creation:
Writing compelling ad copy can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Leverage Google's built-in AI tools or platforms like ChatGPT to generate several iterations of ad copy. By inputting your keyword and some essential details about your offering, these tools can produce relevant and engaging copy variations for you.

5. Set a Minimum Budget to Gauge Visitor Value:
Initially, aim for a budget that allows you to gather enough data without breaking the bank. A good rule of thumb is to consider the value of acquiring a new customer or making a sale. Set your daily budget slightly above the estimated cost-per-click (CPC) for your keyword, ensuring you receive a good number of clicks over a week or two for evaluation.

6. Measure, Analyze, and Adjust:
After initiating your campaign, diligent monitoring and evaluation are paramount. Let’s break it down:

7. Total Traffic Assessment: Begin by understanding the broader picture of your website's traffic. Monitor if there's a genuine surge in visitors or if your ads are merely reallocating the balance between organic and paid traffic. This helps you distinguish whether you're adding value or potentially cannibalizing your organic reach.

8. Deep Dive with Analytics: Utilize tracking codes in your ad URLs and delve into Google Analytics. By comparing the metrics here with those in your Google Ads dashboard, you'll get a detailed view of your campaign's performance, revealing any discrepancies and areas for improvement.

9. Document Changes: Each adjustment you make can drastically influence your campaign's outcome. Hence, keep a detailed log of every tweak, noting its effects on total traffic, CPC, and CPA. This record is invaluable for learning and refining future campaigns.

Understanding the Basics of Google Ads

Diving into the world of Google Ads can feel like stepping into a vast digital marketplace with a plethora of tools and strategies at your disposal. To simplify, let's break down the essentials and provide a roadmap to navigate this landscape.

Different Types of Ad Campaigns:

Search Campaigns: At the core of any Google search lie keywords—those crucial terms and phrases users input when seeking information or products. When users type these queries into Google, they're presented with a list of search results. Search campaigns allow your ads to surface among these results, usually at the prime spots at the top or bottom of the page. While these ads are primarily text-based, their effectiveness hinges on targeting the right keywords. The importance of keywords in this context cannot be overstated; they bridge the gap between a user's intent and your offering. Before launching a PPC campaign, conducting a base SEO (Search Engine Optimization) analysis can offer invaluable insights. By understanding which keywords your website already ranks for and identifying potential keyword opportunities, you can craft a more informed and strategic PPC campaign. Leveraging this synergy between SEO and PPC ensures that you're not only reaching your audience but engaging them with relevance and precision.

Display Campaigns: Moving beyond the confines of the search results, Display campaigns let your ads appear on a vast network of websites, apps, and even Gmail. These ads are usually visual and can range from static images to animated banners. Their strength lies in brand awareness and retargeting, as they can reach users while they're browsing their favorite sites.

Video Campaigns: With the rise of video content, especially on platforms like YouTube (which is owned by Google), Video campaigns offer a dynamic way to connect with audiences. These ads can appear before, during, or after videos on YouTube and on other video partner sites.

Shopping Campaigns: If you're an e-commerce brand, Shopping campaigns are a game-changer. These ads display product images, prices, and store information directly within the search results, providing users with a snapshot of what you offer before they even click on your ad.

Other Campaigns: Google Ads continues to evolve, introducing newer formats like App campaigns, which help drive app installations, or Local campaigns, designed to drive foot traffic to physical store locations.

The Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model
At the heart of Google Ads is the PPC (pay-per-click) model, a straightforward yet powerful concept. Instead of paying for ad space upfront, advertisers are only charged when someone actually clicks on their ad. This ensures that you're paying for tangible interactions, not just impressions.

The price of each click (known as Cost Per Click or CPC) isn't fixed. It's determined through an auction system where advertisers bid on keywords or placements. The more competitive a keyword or placement is, the higher its CPC might be. But worry not—a well-optimized campaign can achieve substantial results even with a modest budget.

In essence, Google Ads offers a flexible and targeted approach to digital advertising. By understanding its foundational elements, you're already on the right path to harnessing its capabilities for your small business.

Setting a Budget

Establishing a budget is essential, ensuring you garner enough results to effectively analyze and refine your campaign. While there's no hard and fast rule dictating minimum or maximum spending limits, you can derive an estimated budget by examining your web traffic from various sources: search engines, social media, and referrals. This analysis can help gauge the number of visitors you aim to attract. For instance, if your goal is to bring in 40 new visitors monthly and the keywords you're targeting average $10 per click, you'd be looking at a budget of $400. However, if you can identify keywords with a lower cost-per-click that still draw in engaged, relevant visitors, you could potentially reduce your budget. If using an agency as them to explain how they arrived at a minimum budget.  

Daily vs. Campaign Budgets
Daily Budget
: This is the average amount you're willing to spend on a particular campaign each day. Google Ads might exceed your daily budget on some days and under-spend on others, but over the course of a month, it won't charge you more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a month (30.4).

Hint: if just starting use manual daily budget. You can easily change this later.  

Campaign Budget: If you have multiple campaigns, you might choose to set a budget for each one based on its importance, potential ROI, or target audience. This way, you can allocate more funds to high-performing campaigns and adjust less successful ones.

Determining your Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)

CPC: This represents the average amount you'll pay each time someone clicks on your ad. By analyzing keyword competitiveness and market demand, you can estimate a realistic CPC. 

CPA: Going a step further, CPA represents the average amount you pay for each conversion, be it a sale, sign-up, or another desired action. Monitoring your CPA helps you understand the actual return on your advertising investment.

For Example
Consider the keyword "flower delivery." According to the Google Keyword Planner, the estimated Cost per Click (CPC) for this keyword ranges between $3.40 on the low end and a lofty $9.40 at the high end. If you were to get an average of one click a day over the span of a month, your advertising cost could oscillate between $102 to $282.

To simplify and plan our budget, let's take a median approach. If we assume the monthly cost stands somewhere in the middle of the range, we're looking at approximately $180 for 30 clicks, breaking down to an actual CPC of $6.

Now, the pivotal metric—Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). If only one out of every 10 clicks results in a purchase, then the CPA would be $60. This means for every sale triggered by your ad, you're spending $60. The key to profitability is ensuring that the revenue generated from those three sales within the month surpasses the $180 spent on advertising. If the proceeds exceed this number, then your advertising investment is indeed bearing fruit and contributing positively to your bottom line.

It's crucial to remember that the most expensive keywords aren't always the most effective. Search intent matters a lot. You are interested in people wanting to take immediate action, whether it is purchasing, downloading or filling out a form; you are not seeking tire kickers to eat up your ad budget by clicking and leaving.  

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns

Stepping into the arena of Google Ads with the expectation of nailing the perfect setup from the onset can be a recipe for disappointment. Given the dynamic nature of Cost-Per-Click (CPC) pricing, coupled with the ever-evolving algorithms of Google's search and ad display mechanisms, there's an inherent unpredictability in the landscape. This fluidity underscores that achieving success in Google Ads isn't just about initial setup but is fundamentally rooted in continuous observation, adaptation, and refinement. Here's why a persistent commitment to monitoring and making consistent adjustments is non-negotiable for optimizing your campaigns:

12 Ways to Adjust Your Ad Campaign To Achieve Acceptable CPC 

1) Keyword Adjustments: Adding new keywords, pausing underperforming ones, or setting negative keywords.

2) Ad Copy Revisions: Testing different headlines, descriptions, or calls to action.

3) Bid Adjustments: Changing bids for specific keywords or ad placements.

4) Budget Reallocations: Shifting budgets between campaigns based on performance.

5) Audience Refinements: Adjusting target demographics, interests, or behaviors.

6) Ad Schedule Modifications: Setting ads to run during specific days or hours for optimal visibility.

7) Geo-targeting Changes: Refining the geographical areas where your ads appear.

8) Landing Page Optimizations: Redirecting ads to different landing pages or tweaking the existing ones for better conversion rates.

9) Ad Extension Updates: Adding or changing ad extensions like sitelink, callout, or structured snippet extensions.

10) Rotation Settings: Adjusting how often different ad variations are shown.

11) Device Bid Adjustments: Modifying bids for desktop, mobile, or tablet users based on performance metrics.

12) Using Different Ad Formats: Experimenting with different ad types, such as responsive search ads or dynamic search ads.

Remember, the goal isn't to change for the sake of change but to refine based on data-driven insights. Regularly monitoring and adjusting ensures that your Google Ads campaigns remain agile, relevant, and optimized for success.

How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Google Ads Campaigns

This is the most important section of this article. In the realm of digital advertising, data is your compass. But to chart a course to success, it's crucial to know not just what to measure, but how to measure it effectively. Here's a comprehensive approach to evaluating the impact of your Google Ads campaigns:

1. Measure Total Traffic Year-Round
Before diving deep into the specifics of your ad campaign, it's important to consider the broader picture: your website's total traffic. This holistic view accounts for seasonal variations, which can naturally cause ebbs and flows in visitor numbers.

Why emphasize total traffic? One key reason is the relationship between search ads and organic search results. When you bid on ads for your top-performing keywords—the same ones you've optimized for organically—you might unintentionally divert traffic from your organic listings to your paid ads. Essentially, you might be paying for clicks that you might have otherwise gotten for free. Therefore, tracking total traffic helps discern whether there's a genuine increase in visitors or if you're merely shifting the balance between organic and paid traffic.

2. Employ Tracking Codes and Utilize Google Analytics
To get a granular view of your ad performance, integrating tracking codes into your ad URLs is a must. These UTM parameters help you monitor the source and medium of your traffic within Google Analytics. By doing so, you can trace back every visit, conversion, or transaction to a specific ad or campaign.

Furthermore, it's crucial to juxtapose this data with the metrics in your Google Ads dashboard. Sometimes, discrepancies can arise due to factors like click fraud, or users who click your ad but bounce before the page fully loads. By comparing both datasets, you gain a clearer, more nuanced understanding of your campaign's real-world impact.

3. Document Every Optimization or Adjustment
Whether it's a slight change in bid amount, a major keyword overhaul, or a simple tweak in ad copy, every adjustment has potential consequences. To understand the ripple effects of these changes, maintain a meticulous log of every optimization you implement.

Beyond just documenting the change, track its outcomes in terms of total traffic, CPC (Cost-Per-Click), and CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition). This ongoing record not only allows you to gauge the efficacy of your tweaks but also serves as a learning tool for future campaigns.

A Word on Third-Party Assistance: If you're leveraging the expertise of an agency or freelancer, it's not just beneficial but imperative to insist on detailed reports that encompass the above two key metrics along with every change. Remember, transparency and accountability are cornerstones of a fruitful partnership in digital advertising.


Start simple, measure, and adjust. Measuring the success of your Google Ads initiatives isn't just about numbers—it's a methodical process that combines broad overviews with detailed insights, ensuring that every dollar spent is a step towards your business goals.   At Cruxdata, we understand the small business owners' apprehension and dilemma of starting a paid advertising program. We make it simple and transparent by providing concise, effective and affordable services for our clients - not to mention Cruxdata’s ability to track marketing performance, real time.

Preston Derrick
