Best Practice

What is an On-page SEO Audit?

Enhance your website's on-page content and technical framework to better cater to both your customer's needs and search engine requirements.


On-page SEO and technical SEO are often interchangeably used or conflated, predominantly because most website audit tools merge the two in their analysis and reports. Despite this overlap, it's important to understand that these are distinct components of an overall SEO strategy, each with its own unique focus and set of optimization practices.

On-page SEO is all about optimizing the content elements on individual pages of your website to enhance their relevance and value for both users and search engines. It involves strategic keyword usage in the content, title tags, meta descriptions, and headers, in addition to crafting high-quality, engaging content that aligns with users' search intent. The primary goal of on-page SEO is to communicate explicitly to search engines and users what each page is about and why it is valuable, which in turn influences the page's ranking in search engine results.

In contrast, technical SEO delves into the behind-the-scenes elements that facilitate efficient crawling, interpretation, and indexing of your website by search engines. It encompasses tasks such as optimizing the website's structure, ensuring its mobile-friendliness, enhancing page loading speed, creating an XML sitemap, implementing structured data, and managing other components contributing to the website's overall technical health. Essentially, technical SEO lays the solid foundation upon which your content and on-page SEO rest. Its primary function is to ensure that search engines can seamlessly access, interpret, and understand your content.

While both on-page and technical SEO are crucial for optimizing a website for search engines, the former focuses on content, and the latter zeroes in on infrastructure. They are indeed two sides of the same SEO coin, and a comprehensive SEO strategy must effectively address both to achieve successful results.

Taking the first step towards optimizing your website's SEO performance can be as simple as conducting a comprehensive website audit. A tool like's audit tool can be an invaluable resource in this regard. This tool systematically scans your website, identifying potential on-page and technical SEO issues that could be negatively impacting your site's visibility and search engine rankings.

Once you receive your website audit report, it's time to take action. If you have an in-house web team, they can use the report to pinpoint and address areas of concern. From correcting HTML errors to enhancing page loading speed or ensuring mobile-friendliness, your team can effectively leverage the insights from the audit report to optimize your website's SEO performance.


Image Credit: DataForSEO


Image Credit: DataForSEO

However, not every business has a dedicated web team, and that's okay. In such instances, freelance platforms such as Upwork can be a great place to find experienced SEO professionals and web developers. Freelancers can take your audit report and, based on their expertise, efficiently address the identified issues, particularly those pertaining to backend technical SEO.

In your audit report, you're likely to encounter various issues categorized as 'Critical Errors' and 'Warnings.' Critical Errors are issues that urgently need attention as they can significantly impair your website's SEO performance. Such errors might include broken links, non-responsive pages, or major issues with website structure. Addressing these issues promptly can lead to immediate improvements in your website's search engine rankings and overall user experience.

On the other hand, 'Warnings' are not as severe but still important to address. These could relate to less optimal meta descriptions, missing alt text for images, or minor content issues. While they may not pose an immediate threat to your website's SEO performance, resolving these warnings can contribute to long-term SEO success and improved website quality.

Particularly for warnings related to content, it's essential to consider these within the context of your overall keyword strategy and content plan. Your content should not only be engaging and valuable to your audience but also properly optimized for search engines. By addressing content-related warnings, you can enhance your on-page SEO, making each page on your website more relevant and attractive to both users and search engines.


Whether you're leveraging an in-house team or hiring freelance professionals, a website audit tool like can guide your SEO efforts and help maximize your website's performance. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and regular audits are essential to staying ahead of issues and continuously improving your site's visibility and ranking.

Audits should be conducted every 3-6 months, or after any significant changes to your website's structure or content.

Read: Every Business Needs a Keyword Analysis
Read: What You Need To Know About Keywords

Preston Derrick
